Monday, September 22, 2008


I am very excited to announce that I am engaged to Greg Will. It has been a very different engagement as we have been fairly confident that we would be getting married. We went into this relationship with that intent though with the understanding that we needed to get to know each other better. Neither of us were going into this relationship blind & knew there was a lot that had to be considered & worked through. When you have 9 kids between you plus one son-in-law here on earth, there are a lot of logistics that had to be thought through. It definitely hasn't been all easy, & we know that we will have some rough times. However, God is good, & He will see us through. Sunday, Sept. 7th we met with our pastor & his wife as there were some issues that we felt we needed to discuss with them. Sunday, Sept. 14th I found out that Greg had a peace about our getting married before we even left the pastor's house on the 7th. We begin to talk more seriously about marriage. Monday, Sept. 15th we actually set a possible date for marriage which since then was changed. Wednesday, Sept. 17th Greg went to my parents to ask for their blessing. After that, he came up to my house along with my parents, pastor, & pastor's wife to tell the kids. He told the kids that we were planning to be married in October. Then, he turned to me and said I could still say no and went on to ask if I would marry him. Of course, I said yes. This last week has been very exciting & busy trying to figure everything out. Greg needed to get the details of our honeymoon done before we could officially set the date of the wedding. We are getting MARRIED Oct. 18th @ 11:00 am. We are planning to be gone for 10 nights on a honeymoon which will be amazing. Figuring out a honeymoon with so many kids to think about isn't easy. I praise the Lord for my brother & sister-in-law's willingness to step in & watch all the kids for us (7 kids). My parents, Heidi (my 2nd oldest), & Tiffany have, also, willingly agreed to help with the kids since we will be gone so long.
God is amazing. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be getting married, I would have thought you were crazy. I didn't even think I would be seeing anyone. Greg is a Godly man who strives to be sensitive to the Lord's leading. He is a wonderful father, & I feel blessed to have him in my life.

What our family will look like